
Legacy Chatbot – A Gift to Generations

We all want our generations to be happy and rightly guided. And here is how Biz4Group, being an AI development company, took it seriously when one of our clients shared the intent to take charge of it. How? In the form of designing a chatbot – called Legacy Chatbot.

Let’s say, if today, Thomas is in a need to seek a genuine expertise/advice from his father or forefather, irrelevant of their existence, the chatbot is serving the same purpose. To put it in a nutshell, it is a gift to the generations – the legacy of knowledge.

Let's delve into the entire process of how we manifested the idea of designing a Legacy Chatbot.

What is an AI chatbot?

AI chatbot is a software application that is used to simulate human-like conversations, using artificial intelligence, through text or voice interfaces. It leverages NLP to understand and interpret user inputs, machine learning algorithms to recognize patterns and predict responses. AI chatbots often connect to databases or APIs to retrieve or store information. It handles tasks like answering simple questions, providing customer support, executing complex commands and facilitating transactions.

Advanced AI chatbots maintain context across conversations, personalize interactions based on user data, and learn from past interactions. They are deployed across various platforms, including websites, messaging apps, mobile applications, and smart devices. It enhances user experience, by providing instant, accurate, and contextually relevant responses.

Such enterprise AI chatbot solutions are widely used in industries such as e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and education, to automate repetitive tasks, improve customer engagement, and increase operational efficiency.

“By 2020, the average person will have more conversations a day with bots than they do with their spouse” - L. HEATHER PEMBERTON | GARTNER

how-ai-chatbot-add-values-throughout-your-organization Source- Deloitte

Differences Between AI Chatbots and Traditional Chatbots

1. Technology Used:

  • Traditional Chatbots: Rule-based, rely on predefined scripts and keyword matching to generate responses.

  • AI Chatbots: Use advanced technologies like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to understand context and generate dynamic, contextually relevant responses.

2. Adaptability:

  • Traditional Chatbots: Limited to specific, pre-programmed scenarios; struggle with unexpected inputs.

  • AI Chatbots: Adapt and learn from interactions, improving over time and handling a broader range of queries.

3. User Experience:

  • Traditional Chatbots: Often provide rigid, repetitive, and sometimes irrelevant responses.

  • AI Chatbots: Offer more natural, engaging, and personalized interactions, understanding nuances and context better. .

4. Integration:

  • Traditional Chatbots: Require manual updates and maintenance for new scenarios.

  • AI Chatbots: Can automatically learn from new data and integrate seamlessly with various systems and databases.

5. Capabilities:

  • Traditional Chatbots: Limited in handling complex conversations or tasks.

  • AI Chatbots: Capable of managing complex queries, providing recommendations, and performing tasks such as booking, troubleshooting, and more.


How Valinor – the Legacy Chatbot Preserves your Legacy of Knowledge?

Here is how we at Biz4Group have developed Valinor, in the category of AI-based chat development services:

Key Features of Legacy Chatbot Built by Us:

The fundamental features used in the development of Legacy Chatbot are listed below:


1. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

It is a combination of information retrieval and text generation to enhance the quality of generated content. The retriever component in the Legacy Chatbot first searches a large corpus to find relevant documents based on the input query. Then, the generator component uses this retrieved information to produce a coherent and informative response.

This approach ensures that the generated content is grounded in factual data, thereby improving accuracy and reducing probability of vague content. The RAG technique is particularly useful for tasks requiring up-to-date information or detailed knowledge, such as question-answering, hence relevant for the Legacy Chatbot.

2. ChatGPT Integration

The Legacy Chatbot has involved embedding OpenAI's ChatGPT to provide conversational AI capabilities. This integration allows users to interact with ChatGPT (in the background) through text or voice, leveraging its natural language understanding and generation abilities.

Here’s how it works:

  • API Access: The AI Developers at Biz4Group have used OpenAI's API to connect Valinor to ChatGPT. The API enables sending user queries to the model and receiving generated responses.

  • Customization: Integrators fine-tune the interaction by setting up context, defining specific prompts, and handling conversation flow to match the application's needs.

  • Embedding : ChatGPT is embedded into the Legacy chatbot window.

  • User Interaction: Users input text or voice queries, and the integrated ChatGPT processes these inputs to generate relevant, context-aware responses, providing a seamless conversational experience.

3. Natural Language Processing

AI based chatbot development for Valinor also includes the usage of NLP. The latter includes two steps in the form of Language Understanding, and Language Generation:

a. Language Understanding - Here, the chatbot gets to understand the user’s intent by parsing text and identifying the intent & entities. Speaking of the techniques, tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and NER (Named Entity Recognition) are used.

b. Language Generation – It includes generation of coherent and contextually appropriate responses, in a way that the intended message is conveyed effectively.

• Dialogue Management:
  • Context Management: This component keeps track of the conversation context to maintain coherence across multiple interactions. It helps the chatbot remember previous exchanges and respond appropriately.

  • Response Generation: Based on the recognized intent and extracted entities, the chatbot generates a suitable response. This can be rule-based (predefined responses) or dynamic (generated using ML models).

  • Chat Interface: The UI is text-based and voice-based. It captures user input and displays the chatbot’s responses.

  • Multimodal Interactions: The Advanced chatbot can handle multiple forms of input, including text, and voice, hence providing a richer interaction experience.

4. Workflow

Chatbot development services for Valinor includes the following workflow:

  • User Input: A user types "What is your birthplace?" into the chatbot interface.

  • Preprocessing: The chatbot preprocesses the text, breaking it down into tokens and identifying the structure of the sentence.

  • Entity Extraction: The chatbot recognizes "birthplace" as the relevant geolocation entity.

  • Response Generation: The chatbot constructs a response using the retrieved data, such as “I was born in Florida."

5. Text-to-Speech Model

This model includes converting written text into spoken language. Expanding on its working, it includes linguistic analysis, phonetic transcription, acoustic modeling & waveform synthesis.

We at Biz4Group hold expertise in building enterprise AI chatbot solutions that should match your business requirements. Below are mentioned more examples on ai based chatbot development services.

Also Read: How Much Does It Cost to Build an AI Wellness App?

Other AI Chatbots Built by Biz4Group

research-gate Source- Research Gate

“As per the SNS Insider Research, The Chatbot Market size is projected to reach US$ 329.46 Bn by 2030, with a growing CAGR of 33.86% over the Forecast Period 2023-2030.”

1. Truman

The Avatar-based AI chatbot app developed by Biz4Group, is named Dr Truman. The application is based on intelligence and interaction which includes a sophisticated wellness chatbot. The app offers smart health management tools. Dr Truman provides not only health advice but also convenient shopping for various wellness products and elevates the user experience to a holistic and convenient level.


Users can talk to the AI powered avatar for health advice, shop for products in the app, and get benefits like health tips and discounts. The users need to sign up for membership plans. They can also keep track of their health history and upload any medical reports.

2. NextLPC

Biz4Group, being a generative AI development company, designed the Avatar-based AI chatbot meant to facilitate learner’s interaction with the subject matter. It engages learners throughout the eLearning course.


Besides, such AI apps for education provide companionship in the absence of tutor/coach in real. Other benefits of this AI app include knowledge retention & easy recall of course content.

3. AI-driven Chatbot for Customer Communication

The chatbot, built by Biz4Group provides fully automated conversations, without sacrificing human touch for customer support. The bot learns from previous agent responses.

Also Read: How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Custom AI Avatar?

Future of Legacy Chatbots

The future of legacy chatbots looks bright. It has improved NLP for more natural and personalized interactions. Integration with future platforms such as VR/AR will enable creating immersive experiences for the users. Enhanced privacy and security controls will protect private information.

Furthermore, using deep learning and neural networks will allow chatbots to capture more intricate storytelling and emotion. These improvements will increase the application of legacy chatbots in fields like education, corporate knowledge management, and personal memory creation.



1. How does an AI chatbot work?

NLP is used to analyze user inputs to establish the context and intent of the interaction. It then uses machine learning algorithms to produce the needed responses. They are often coupled with databases and APIs to store and retrieve information that helps them make conversations more relevant and accurate.

2. Why use an AI chatbot?

AI chatbots have the following advantages: continuous customer service; reduction of repetitive work; better engagement and personalization; increased efficiency. They can answer several questions simultaneously and reduce customers’ waiting time as well as improve service provision.

3. What technologies were applied in the development of the Valinor chatbot

Technologies include ReactJS, NextJS, Docker, Python, FastAPI, Socket. IO, ChatGPT, PostgreSQL, Milvus, and AWS.

4. How can businesses use AI chatbots?

It is easy for businesses to hire chatbot developers and incorporate AI chatbots in their platforms such as websites, messaging apps, mobile applications, and smart devices with the assistance of an AI development company. They can use the API access to customize the chatbot by customizing the interaction flow, and the features that meet their business needs.

Meet the Author


Sanjeev Verma

Sanjeev Verma, the CEO of Biz4Group LLC, is a visionary leader passionate about leveraging technology for societal betterment. With a human-centric approach, he pioneers innovative solutions, transforming businesses through AI Development, IoT Development, eCommerce Development, and digital transformation. Sanjeev fosters a culture of growth, driving Biz4Group's mission toward technological excellence. He’s been a featured author on IBM and TechTarget.

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanjeev1975/

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