
How does Generative AI and the Future of Education Going to Transform Global Society?

In 2024, there will be an uptick in educational users of generative AI on a regional scale, particularly in the AMER region.”

In fact, organizations like UNESCO are working with EdTech partners and policymakers to handle the barrier to internet access, in countries that are delayed in AI revolution.

Moreover, the U.S. Department of Education has gained support from the Biden-Harris administration on integrating AI, into schools and higher education institutes.

In this blog post, we are going to explore more on Generative AI and the future of education as one entity, and how they are closely related to each other.

Technological Foundations of Generative AI:

Before we delve into the future scope of generative AI in education, let’s understand the technical composition of it, as discussed below:

1. Neural Networks

It is considered the backbone of deep learning. Neural networks have been a subfield of machine learning. The concept is inspired by the structure and functioning of the human brain, with interconnected nodes (artificial neurons). These neurons learn to perform tasks by analyzing training data.

2. Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms are great at identifying patterns in data, and making predictions accordingly, as it is a normal technology to be leveraged by generative AI development company. Machine learning algorithms like supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning allow AI to identify such patterns. It is one of the broader fields of study that enables the system to learn and improve from experience.

3. GPT Series

The Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models can generate human-like text, write essays, human-like text and even create poetry. It is all done by predicting the next word in a sentence, based on its training data. Moreover, in GPT-4 it has got new benchmarks in text generation.


Comparison Between Traditional Education Method and Educational Model based on Generative AI

Let’s now understand how these two methods of traditional education and the one based on Generative AI and the future of education is technically different from each other:

S.No. Traditional Education Method Education Based on Generative AI
1. Relies on predefined rules and supervised learning. Based on unsupervised learning and generative models, with the help of solutions like elearning app development.
2. Can focus on specific, predetermined tasks at a time. Adapts dynamically, as per individual student learning patterns.
3. Providing personalized, and tailored learning experiences is difficult. Seamlessly provides personalized feedback, coaching, and adaptive learning pathways.
4. To handle new scenarios, it requires manual intervention and updates, accordingly. This model seamlessly leverages NLP, for more natural student interactions.

Benefits of Generative AI in Education

Let’s explore how generative AI in education supports education system as a whole:


1. Teacher Support

Teachers can grade assignments, and share personalized feedback to students, leveraging AI in elearning. Technically speaking, language models can analyze students’ work, areas for improvement, and generate tailored feedback, relevant to each student’s needs. Hence, teachers can focus on higher-level instructions, as AI saves them a significant amount of time.

2. Accessibility and Inclusivity

How does AI ensure accessibility and inclusivity for physical disable students, or students living in remote areas?

Through assistive technologies, personalized learning, and automated grading and feedback, AI proves to be a great source of education accessibility and inclusivity.

AI-powered assistive technologies like text-to-speech, speech recognition, and image description help students with visual, hearing, or mobility impairments to access education.

Additionally, AI solutions for edtech business is well versed with creating curated or personalized content as per student’s unique needs and learning style.

3. Improved Learning Outcomes

When it comes to improve learning outcomes, AI majorly plays a significant role in addressing knowledge gaps, accelerating learning, and improving conceptual understanding.

Let's elaborate the mentioned points in detail:

Adaptive learning systems in AI are capable of providing just-in-time support to address individual knowledge and skill gaps. By this method, students can master foundational concepts, before moving to the advanced ones, thus preventing them from falling behind.

Through the method of personalized learning, students can make progress at their own pace, whether they want to move faster through content they have already mastered or want to spend more time on areas they find challenging.

Besides, despite rote memorization, features like personalized and adaptive learning emphasize deeper conceptual understanding. Through custom edtech software, students get abundant opportunities for applying, and practice learnt concepts.

Potential Challenges and Ethical Considerations

Speaking on generative AI and the future of education, we cannot avoid the challenges and ethical concerns associated with AI and custom chatbot development. After all, prevention is better than cure!


1. Data Privacy and Security

Since AI can collect and analyze vast amount of data altogether, therefore privacy of personal student data, including their academic performance, and biometric information can be easily breached, if not encrypted properly. Moreover, such data can be used for targeted advertising, or predictive analytics.

2. Bias and Fairness

It is important to maintain diversity in data fed to the AI. In case such diversity is not maintained, AI development service applications may perform poorly, for underrepresented groups. For example – AI- based facial recognition system if trained on predominantly white faces, the application may find it difficult to precisely identify people of other color tones.

3. Human Element

Developing social-emotional learning is part of the responsibilities of educators. School leaders should prioritize developing socio-emotional competencies in themselves, as such skills are important to foster healthy organizational culture.

Moreover, teachers are also responsible and capable of encompassing qualities like empathy, moral guidance, that no algorithm can replicate.


The Future of Education and Global Society

Considering the potential of AI-based education, let’s delve into the future of AI-based education and global society, together.

1. Global Collaboration

Nowadays, students from around the world are getting connected through AI-powered virtual learning platforms, and chatbots in education industry. Through this, they are able to participate in collaborative projects, discussions, and cultural exchanges. Such methods, overcome the geographical barriers, and builds up a global learning community.

Additionally, AI-powered language learning tools and relevant real-time translation services enable effortless communication between students and teachers, belonging from diverse linguistic backgrounds. It not only promotes inclusive learning, but also cultural exchange.

2. Lifelong Learning

But, how is it possible to develop lifelong learning using AI?

Basically, AI helps identify skill gaps, along with providing personalized learning paths. This is how students can acquire new competencies. Such adaptability enables transition between roles and industries, irrespective of the nature of the market in present.

3. Economic and Social Impacts

AI enhances workforce readiness. How? It provides personalized learning, that helps individuals to acquire job-oriented skills for the future. AI can actually optimize itself as per individual learning styles, thus ensuring students are prepared for evolving job market.

One can also level up his socioeconomic status. When education is made accessible and tailored to individual needs, it helps students from various backgrounds, to acquire skills to improve their socioeconomic status.

Meet the Author


Sanjeev Verma

Sanjeev Verma, the CEO of Biz4Group LLC, is a visionary leader passionate about leveraging technology for societal betterment. With a human-centric approach, he pioneers innovative solutions, transforming businesses through AI Development, IoT Development, eCommerce Development, and digital transformation. Sanjeev fosters a culture of growth, driving Biz4Group's mission toward technological excellence. He’s been a featured author on IBM and TechTarget.

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