
Chatbot Development for Real Estate Business: Ultimate Guide - Features, Cost & Benefit

An established player in the real estate market, Century 21 has recently adopted the use of chatbots, by creating their own ‘Sofia’. Sofia helps potential buyers, and renters navigate the property search, arrange viewings, and recommend the most suitable real estate agent.

Not only this, our team at Biz4Group has successfully delivered chatbot development for real estate client, named Facilitor, wherein the team managed to resolve client’s concerns like, finding home in budget for buyers, arranging a third person to visit properties (especially located in remote area), as there is always a risk to the safety of the buyer.

Additionally, 28% of real estate businesses are already using live chat technological advancement, making it the most used AI bot across industries.

But still the question arises, what more a chatbot can do for the real estate industry. Well, below are stated some interesting applications of chatbot development in real estate.

  • Instant Engagement for Property Inquiries

  • Personalized Property Recommendations

(Epsilon marketing research shows that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences).

  • Enhancing User Experience

  • Efficient Lead Qualification

  • Training Your Data for Market Predictions

  • AI Assistants for After-Sales Service

(A Salesforce report indicates that 70% of customers say connected processes are very important to winning their business).

  • Automated Appointment Scheduling

So, now when you are familiar with the potential of chatbot development for real estate business, let's delve more into the basic understanding of it.


What is Real Estate Chatbot Development?

Real Estate AI Chatbot Development is the process of coming up with chatbot agents, that will be able to engage customers, either potential or existing in the real estate business. These chatbots are intended to be helpful for numerous activities and give the user a friendly interface. Here’s a detailed overview:

Key Features and Functions

Below are mentioned a detailed insights on features and functions of chatbot, for real estate agents:


1. Lead Generation and Qualification:

Initial Contact: They can interact with visitors on real estate sites, or the social media communities, obtaining necessary information.

Qualification: Using the questions, chatbots can find out how serious the lead is and, therefore, how ready he is to engage in property transactions.

Biz4Group, also a chatbot development company provides custom chatbot development services to its clients.

2. Property Listings and Searches:

Instant Access: Chatbots automatically connect the users to the list of the available properties, that they might be interested in.

Filters and Recommendations: Customers may use location, price range, type, and other parameters for selecting a house, and get suggestions accordingly.

3. Scheduling and Reminders:

Appointments: It can arrange property viewings or meetings with the agents, with integration into the calendar, to avoid double booking.

Reminders: Appointment, viewing or document submission reminders.

4. Customer Support and FAQs:

24/7 Assistance: On a constant availability basis to handle general requests, including property information, costs, funding, and process information.

Different Approaches to Chatbot Development

Speaking on technical terms, there are different approaches for chatbot development. The versatile developers at Biz4Group (also known for real estate web solutions ) are skilled in developing all categories of chatbots.


1. Rule-based Chatbots

They work according to the existing rules and, decision trees that have been developed in advance. They are able to respond to specific questions, and commands depending on the keywords, or the phrases used.

One of our projects, has been developed under the same approach. The application serves the purpose of streamlining the process of refunds, by requesting reimbursement, resolving payment issues, manage subscription, guides in policy clarification, and providing real-time AI training.


  • Easy to design and execute.

  • High control over responses.

  • Appropriate for dealing with uncomplicated and clearly defined transactions.


  • Limited flexibility and intelligence.

  • Difficulty in establishing the context or, in managing elaborate requests.

Use Cases:

  • Frequently asked questions (FAQs).

  • Simple customer service tasks.

  • Basic interactive guides.

2. AI-powered Chatbots

A chatbot is a conversational interface, built with Artificial Intelligence, NLP, and Machine Learning, that analyses the input messages of the users. They can learn, and transform as time goes on.

Some of Biz4Group’s AI development service chatbots are -

Besides, our team also holds expertise in building a personal avatar chatbot.


  • Understands natural language and analyzes it.

  • Friendly interface/interaction.

  • Keywords: rich and multifaceted dialogue.


  • Complicative in nature and takes time in development.

  • Great chunk of data required for training.

  • Can be resource intensive.

Use Cases:

  • Customer support.

  • Virtual assistants.

  • Personalization and recommendation systems.


3. Hybrid Chatbots

Hybrid chatbots combine rule-based, and AI-powered approaches. They use rules for specific, well-defined tasks, and AI for more complex interactions.


  • Balance between control and flexibility.

  • Can provide a more robust user experience.

  • Easier to manage transitions between simple, and complex queries.


  • Development complexity can increase.

  • Requires careful planning to balance rule-based, and AI components.

Use Cases:

  • Comprehensive customer service platforms.

  • E-commerce and sales support.

  • Dynamic information retrieval systems.

4. Scripted Chatbots

Scripted chatbots follow a predetermined script, to interact with users. These scripts can guide users, through a set of predefined options and responses.


  • Predictable interactions.

  • Easier to design and test.

  • Useful for guided workflows.


  • Lack of flexibility.

  • Can frustrate users if they deviate from the script.

Use Cases:

  • Customer surveys.

  • Guided troubleshooting.

  • Appointment scheduling.

5. Contextual Chatbots

Contextual chatbots leverage advanced AI techniques, to maintain context within a conversation. They remember previous interactions, and use this context to inform current responses.


  • Provides a more natural and engaging user experience.

  • Can handle complex, multi-turn conversations.

  • Improved user satisfaction through personalized interactions.


  • Complex to develop and maintain.

  • Requires significant computational resources.

  • Data privacy concerns storing user interactions.

Use Cases:

  • Personal assistants (e.g., Siri, Google Assistant).

  • Detailed customer support.

  • Personalized marketing and recommendations.

6. Voice-enabled Chatbots

Voice-enabled chatbots use speech recognition, and synthesis technologies to interact with users through spoken language.


  • Hands-free interaction.

  • Accessibility for users with disabilities.

  • Natural and intuitive user experience.


  • Requires advanced speech recognition technology.

  • Development complexity is high.

  • Environmental noise can impact performance.

Use Cases:

  • Smart home devices.

  • Voice-activated customer service.

  • In-car assistants.

Benefits of Using Chatbots in Real Estate

The application of real estate chatbot services, in the form of real estate web solutions, holds a lot of advantages concerning both clients and firm performance.


1. Improved Customer Engagement

  • Availability: Chatbots are available at all times, and can answer customers’ questions at any given time; this improves interaction with the customers.

  • Personalized Interactions: This means that AI and machine learning can be employed, in order to assist the chatbots in recommending properties, based on the user profile and the previous discussions held.

2. Lead Generation and Lead Qualification

  • Initial Contact: Chatbots can greet website visitors the moment they arrive, obtain necessary information and pre-qualify leads independently from a live agent.

  • Lead Scoring: Using the qualifying questions, one is able to determine the stage of the lead, hence assisting agents in focusing on the leads, that have high potential to convert.

3. Streamlined Property Searches

  • Customized Searches: Users can sort the properties based on location, price range, type, among other preferences. Hence, users are able to get the results instantly matching with their preferences.

  • Instant Access: They also help clients to access property listings, photos, videos, and virtual tours, thus enabling them to make relevant choices.

4. Enhanced Customer Support

  • 24/7 Assistance: Agents can answer frequently asked questions about property features, prices, available financing options, and others using chatbots to support customers 24/7.

  • FAQ Handling: Industry-related questions about buying, selling, renting, or current market trends, for instance, can be handled by chatbots thus easing the workload of human agents.

5. Scheduling and Reminders

  • Lead Nurturing:

    Leads are nurtured through the sales funnel, using follow-up messages, property updates, and promotional offers from chatbots.

  • Cross-Selling and Upselling: Using the information about the customer, chatbots can offer other services or more expensive property the client can be interested in.


How to Use Chatbot for Real Estate?

To use a chatbot for real estate, as a part of AI development services, follow these steps:

1. Choose a Chatbot Platform:

Choose the chatbot platform that aligns to the real estate business. Specific examples of tools to use include Tidio, ManyChat, Landbot, and Freshworks.

2. Customize Your Bot:

Choose your chatbot from the template available, or design a new one. For instance, there are templates that you can use for lead generation, property search, appointment setting and many more.

3. Connect your Chatbot to Your Website and Social Media Platforms:

You need to link the chatbot with the specific website, and your social network account to maximize its integration.

4. Configure Conversation Flows:

Design the pattern of conversation similar to a human conversationalist. This includes defining decision trees, using conditional statements, and defining how the user’s input will be handled.

5. Train Your Bot:

To get the best out of a structured chatbot, it is important and recommended to monitor its operation, and modify the actions based on users’ opinions and statistics.

6. Monitor and Refine:

To get the best out of a structured chatbot, it is important and recommended to monitor its operation, and modify the actions based on users’ opinions and statistics.

7. Integrate with CRM Systems:

Make sure that your chatbot works on your existing CRM systems seamlessly, in order to avoid any discontinuity to the users, and to avoid some cumbersome data transfer.

8. Regularly Update and Maintain:

It is recommended to update the chatbot’s information, and listings frequently to ensure that users have precise information, regarding the chatbot. Track and enhance the chatbot’s performance and, services based on customers’ feedback and experience.

Following these instructions would help to integrate a chatbot to support real estate businesses, improve clients’ satisfaction, and increase sales.

Why Choose Biz4Group for Chatbot Development?

As a chatbot development company, our team at Biz4Group has excelled in developing chatbots in various niches, i.e. wellness, gaming, real estate, customer service, and more. Our clients acknowledge us as Trusted Advisors. Besides, our team is experienced in marketing our clients’ products and services. Speaking of the valuation of one of our client’s projects, it has reached around $ 50 Million.


Chatbot Pricing: How Much does it Cost to Develop a Chatbot for Real Estate Business?

The price of creating a chatbot for a real estate business can also depend on a number of factors such as the level of complexity, functionality, development methodology, and whether the chatbot is built from scratch or with the help of a particular platform. It is seen that if you outsource bot development solutions to a company experienced in popular LLMs, the cost will stay low.

Cost Drivers of Chatbot Development


1. Complexity and Features

  • Basic Chatbots: The complex chatbots that are designed to answer basic questions and FAQs are cheaper to develop.

  • Advanced AI-Powered Chatbots: These employ NLP and ML to manage the conversation, personalization, and learning from the conversation, which can be costly.

2. Development Approach

  • DIY Platforms: This can be done through the use of development platforms such as Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework or IBM Watson but it does entail some technical know-how.

  • Custom Development: It will be more expensive to hire a development team or agency to create a custom chatbot from scratch, but it provides more specific solutions.

3. Integration Requirements

  • CRM and Database Integration: The costs may increase if you want the chatbot to be connected to your existing CRM, property listings databases, and other tools.

  • Third-Party Services: Using third-party services for NLP, AI, and other features may incur extra charges.

4. Deployment Channels

  • Web and Mobile Integration: The cost can also be influenced by the type of platform, for instance, websites, mobile applications, and social media platforms.

  • Voice Integration: The addition of a voice will also add to the costs, as well as the overall complexity.

5. Maintenance and Updates

  • Ongoing Maintenance: The maintenance costs include regular updates, bug fixes, and improvements.

  • Training and Optimization: AI model training costs can be incurred through continual training and optimization based on user feedback.

Factors Implementing Chatbot Cost Fluctuation

The factors that can affect the cost of implementing a custom AI avatar chatbot for a real estate business include:


1. Type of Deployment:

Decision between custom development, and contracting a chatbot builder can have a big influence on costs. Custom development can turn out to be more expensive in the beginning of the project, but it provides additional unique features while chatbot builders can be more economical, during the initial stage of the project.

2. Number of Domains:

Deploying a chatbot on multiple domains, and subdomains can increase costs. Having separate bots for different sections of a website can lead to higher pricing.

3. Number of Internal Processes:

As a business expands, the need for more competent chatbot features grows. Upgrading to a paid plan becomes necessary, to handle increased user interactions, and customer support efficiently.

4. Complexity of Chatbot Functionalities:

The complexity of the chatbot's capabilities, such as rule-based vs. AI-powered chatbots, can impact costs. AI chatbots with advanced features like Natural Language Processing (NLP), and machine learning tend to be more expensive.

5. Integration Requirements:

Chatbot integration with other systems such as CRM, databases and APIs is possible. However, it brings in added cost, and complications. Thus, the cost of deploying the chatbot rises with the number of systems it has to interact with.

6. Customization:

Highly customized chatbots, tailored to specific business processes or branding guidelines, may require more development time and resources, hence potentially increasing costs.


7. Maintenance and Updates:

Maintenance, update, and further enhancement after deployment is critical, if the chatbot is to remain relevant and optimum. The cost can be affected by the process of training, and continually fine-tuning the AI models.

8. User Interface (UI) Design:

If the user interface is complex with buttons, carousels, or custom visuals, it could lead to high costs. Advanced interface designs are likely to be more complex and costly in terms of development time and resources.

9. Data Security and Compliance:

Making the development of a chatbot more secure and fulfilling regulatory requirements like GDPR can further add to its cost. Adopting proper encryption, effective storage, and privacy measures can cause additional costs.

These factors play a crucial role in determining the fluctuation in chatbot implementation costs for a real estate business.

Tips to Reduce Chatbot Development Cost in Real Estate

Here are some tips to reduce the cost of developing an enterprise AI chatbot solution, for a real estate business:


1. Choose a Pre-built Chatbot Platform:

Select a chatbot platform with templates, and features designed for the real estate business. This can save a lot of development time, and costs associated with developing a custom chatbot from the ground up.

2. Prioritize Essential Features:

Determine which features are essential for your chatbot, namely lead acquisition, property search, and appointment setting. Stick to these functionalities as core competencies, to ensure that the costs of development are low.

3. Leverage Open-Source Tools and Libraries:

For natural language understanding, and conversational control of the chatbot, one can use tools, libraries and frameworks like Rasa, Dialogflow and LUIS. This can assist in reducing the licensing costs, as well as the amount of time taken in development.

4. Implement a Phased Approach:

Break down the chatbot development process into smaller, manageable phases. Develop, and deploy the chatbot in phases, adding more advanced features and integrations as you go. This way you are able to spread out costs over time, and validate the chatbot's effectiveness at each stage.

5. Optimize for Scalability:

Select a platform with flexible pricing models, that are usage-based, perhaps based on conversations or users. This can aid the budgeting process, as your use of the chatbot increases with time.

6. Leverage Existing Data and Integrations:

You can also feed the chatbot with customer data, property listings, as well as your CRM and property management integrations to build the knowledge base. This could cut down the need for data copying, and content generation.


7. Conduct thorough Testing:

Invest time in testing the chatbot thoroughly, to identify and fix issues early in the development process. This can help avoid costly rework, and ensure the chatbot delivers a seamless user experience from the start.

8. Optimize for Self-Service:

Ensure that you allocate enough time to test the chatbot, in order to minimize the defects that might be present in the application. This can assist in preventing costly errors, and guarantee the consumer good experience from the beginning with the chatbot.

By implementing these tips, real estate businesses can develop a cost-effective chatbot that delivers value to customers while optimizing development and operational expenses.

Meet the Author


Sanjeev Verma

Sanjeev Verma, the CEO of Biz4Group LLC, is a visionary leader passionate about leveraging technology for societal betterment. With a human-centric approach, he pioneers innovative solutions, transforming businesses through AI Development, IoT Development, eCommerce Development, and digital transformation. Sanjeev fosters a culture of growth, driving Biz4Group's mission toward technological excellence. He’s been a featured author on IBM and TechTarget.

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