
How to Develop an AI Video Generator App Like Synthesia – Seek Expert Insights

Synthesia is the leading AI video platform, capable of generating AI avatars, videos with TTS and multilingual capabilities. It means that the process of creating videos is being managed automatically, and thus may be appealing for everybody interested, in the various fields. Thanks to the AI development services, platforms, such as Synthesia, can effectively implement these enhanced features to various users across industries.

Three of the largest tech firms, Meta, Google, and Microsoft have used or are developing AI video generation capabilities. AI video startups have attracted huge venture funding with Runway and Synthesia among the firms to tap a huge round.

The blog is aimed to help the reader understand how to build an AI video generator app like Synthesia; main features, technologies used, tips on how to create a great application in this niche will be also disclosed.

What is AI Video Generation?

AI video generation refers to the computerized creation of videos by leveraging machine learning algorithms, computer vision, natural language processing and deep learning, collectively known as Video Upgrade Technologies. They operate together in creating video elements, including animations and avatars, voice-overs and even full video clips from text input or from templates.

This process is initiated by entering text, voice signal or some instructions into an AI system. AI then processes the input and translates it visually with avatars, texts, backgrounds or anything else as well as audio and video synchronization.

The generated videos are very flexible, it is possible to transform voice tone, appearance of the avatar, as well as the used language, which makes it quite suitable for numerous purposes.

Key Industries Using AI Video Generation


Here are some key points about the market demand and usage of AI video generation tools in the US:

1. Marketing and Advertising

- The social selling through mass production of specific video advertisements and other content for a variety of users

- Making videos cheap and fast to be used on social media platforms

2. E-Learning and Education

- Preparing the educational videos together with the tutorials, leveraging AI development platforms

- Creating new exciting methods through which learners can be occupied

3. Media and Entertainment

- Assisting in the editing of the video production

- The character concept and construction of the stoner and the animation.

4. Corporate Communications

- Developing workplace/employee training videos and staff and management message/presentation videos

- Producing applications plus short animation videos

5. Real Estate

- Construction of virtual property tours and approaches

-Getting listing videos produced at scale sometimes requires big change.

Steps to Develop an App Like Synthesia


Here are the detailed steps to develop an app like Synthesia, leveraging AI consulting services:

1. Market Research and Planning

Identify Market Needs:

First, there is a necessity to find out the current state of the market for AI video generation applications. It also made it possible to learn which of the features is valued most by the users, and how the app can be differentiated.

Define Your Target Audience:

Figure out who your audience will be, so it can be marketers, content developers or educators, etc., and the features and even the look and feel of your application must follow that.

Set Clear Objectives:

State the basic activities that will be performed by your app. What pains is it eliminating? What, on the other hand, is its contribution? These objectives will define your development strategy plan.

2. Conceptualize the App Features

List Essential Features

To develop an app like Synthesia, determine what capabilities your app must possess, including avatars, TTS, ML, and video editing.

Advanced Features

Think about such bonuses as animated avatars, templates for the presentations, and compatibility with third-party video tools.

User Experience Design

Design a structure of the program that will allow a user to move elements with the help of mouse dragging and navigate through it easily. It cannot be overemphasized that the user experience is central to the goal of keeping users engaged.


3. Technology Stack Selection

AI and Machine Learning

To develop an app like Synthesia, some of the features like avatar animation, text to speech, should be done using an appropriate software like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning frameworks. Among the familiar libraries which are used are TensorFlow and Pytorch and OpenCV.

Backend Technologies

Choose the easily scalable backend technologies depending on the video processing, storing data and users. AWS or Google Cloud are fine for the kind of flexibility that is needed as well as for the required reliability.

Frontend Technologies

iOS Style with different devices realize, through the frontend frameworks like React, Angular or any other frontend, that the app will run perfectly with all kinds of devices.

4.Design the User Interface

Designing the surface of a product or device’s software to allow user to interact and operate, is referred to as User Interface (UI) design.

Wireframing and Prototyping

Initiating with the wire frames will enable identification of the positioning, as well as flow of the application in existence. Then create the final detailed design, and the construction of actual functional mockups of the design, which the users can look at.

User-Friendly Navigation

It must not make the UI congested and should be readily noticeable; it should possess all the aspects that are required by the users. Include such novelties as templates that can be customized according to one’s preference where objects can be moved to the preferred location, within a few clicks.

Responsive Design

Ensure that there is a close relationship between the specific app with the mobile, and the desktop operating systems.

5. Develop Core Functionalities

AI-Powered Avatars:

As Generative AI development company designs the model of artificial intelligence, similarly, design the model as needed in generating and animating avatars. This means ensuring that the models adopt the correct movements, and facial expressions of people.

Text-to-Speech and Multilingual Support:

To develop an app like Synthesia, include text to speech functionality and ensure that the app’s language and voices as many as possible for the Global audience.

Video Editing Tools:

New to the movies feature? Do not hesitate to use some of the tools already available such as trim, crop or add an effect. Ensure that these tools can be accessed with ease, with a view of enabling users who are not usually exposed to computers, to find a closet in the software, to relax as they edit their work with the spirit of professional editors, while at the same time implementing a set of tools that are applicable to professional editors.


6. Integrate Third-Party Services

API Integration:

Include AI integration services with third party APIs for additional features such as for payments, sharing options, and translating options.

Cloud Services:

Leverage cloud storage for managing and processing large video files. For scalability, the services that can be used are AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

7. Testing and Quality Assurance

Functional Testing:

The second step is testing, to ensure all the features to be effective in their operations. Execute all the developed components and features, with the help of AI to ascertain if there are any bugs in them or not.

Usability Testing:

Direct the app’s users to run through the application and try to discover if some of the features integrated in the applications are hard to navigate or not. This is the best time when one should be able to seek users’ feedback and make changes if any required.

Performance Testing:

Ensure that the app can schedule video processing requests at random intervals of time. See how well it works, deals with reliability questions, and how it is built for scale in terms of traffic.

8. Launch the App


Perform the deployment of the apps on the desired operation systems; iOS, Android and Web application. Make sure all the elements of backend services are configured appropriately for running.

Marketing and Promotion:

Implement marketing strategy to promote the app, to your potential users. Inform the target demographic, expand the presence on social networks, apply content marketing and create partnerships.

User Onboarding:

Increase the quantity of users already registered, through tutorials, frequently asked questions and Customer-support service.

9. Post-Launch Maintenance & Updates

Monitor Performance:

Keep a check on the application and users’ feedback to figure out areas of improvement.

Regular Updates:

The new releases should include fixing bugs, introducing new functions and enhanced graphical user interface to support operation.

User Support:

Provide ongoing support to users through several channels; a chat, mail and a social networking site.

Cost Considerations


To develop an app like Syntheisa, chatbot development company perform a cost analysis is also a crucial step to do, let’s delve into the details below:

1. Cost of AI Development

Most of the expenses that are involved while designing an application, such as Synthesia involves using artificial intelligence and machine learning, to train the models. They include costs for data collection and processing, which are necessary to create models capable of generating videos, avatars, and TTS. Training and improving such models take up a lot of computational resources, hence a High-Performance Computing system is required.

Also, the cost of hiring qualified data scientists, AI engineers, as well as machine learning specialists reduces the overall cost. With added features, which may include real-time character animations and multiple languages support, these costs increase to tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

2. Design and UI/UX Costs

It is important to note that user experience is significant, therefore issues related to design and UI/UX should not be overlooked and, should be given high priority.

These costs include the cost of recruiting highly skilled designers, and developers who are responsible for the task of coming up with easy to use, sleek and attractive interfaces to the application.

This usually entails wire-framing, creating prototypes, and user trials to check whether the design captures the user’s expectation in terms of usability.

Spending on the design part of the UI/UX is important because not only are users more satisfied, but they are also more inclined to stay on a website or use an application, which is why it must be included in the development costs.

The cost to build these kinds of applications varies between $20,000-$50,000 and more.

3. Infrastructure and Hosting

The mobile app development services comprise of the costs of cloud services and data storage, to facilitate the video processing and users’ management. AWS or Google Cloud or Azure offer this kind of scalability, but all these options are costly services.

Demands for storage of large video content, handling of a high user traffic, and rapid processing consist an overall infrastructure cost. Further, the cost associated with having a stable and secure back end for supporting up the AI futuristic tools also augments the costs.

Infrastructure and hosting cost can go between $10,000 – $100,000 based on usage and requirement for growth.

4. Ongoing Maintenance

Once an app is developed, using on demand application development services, something needs to be done to keep it running after it has been launched onto the market. This must cover periodic upgrades to eliminate bugs, add new functionalities, and increase security features.

Updates to the AI models may also be needed continuously, based on the feedback from the users which again is a costly affair. Additionally, a constant cost is involved in sustaining the server infrastructure, providing support to users, and making adaptations for new devices or operating systems compatibility.

The maintenance cost may start from $20000 to $50000, depending on the size and number of times you want to update your app, to ensure it is competitive in the market besides being user-friendly.


How Biz4Group Can Be the Right Choice for Your AI Video Generator App Development?

To develop an app like Synthesia, know that Biz4Group has a strong and experienced team with specific skills, in the challenges of training machine learning models to achieve high levels of performance, like the real-time avatars and text-to-speech apps in video generator applications.

As seen in our portfolio and AI case studies of successful projects as well as years of experience in AI, Biz4Group is the best partner for your AI video generator app.

Biz4Group provides its clients with comprehensive services on development, starting from the concept stage up to maintenance. This approach is what sets our AI video generator app development service apart; we provide end-to-end services as follows UI/UX design, back-end setup, cloud support, and maintenance.

Meet the Author


Sanjeev Verma

Sanjeev Verma, the CEO of Biz4Group LLC, is a visionary leader passionate about leveraging technology for societal betterment. With a human-centric approach, he pioneers innovative solutions, transforming businesses through AI Development, IoT Development, eCommerce Development, and digital transformation. Sanjeev fosters a culture of growth, driving Biz4Group's mission toward technological excellence. He’s been a featured author on IBM and TechTarget.

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